Monday, 3 December 2012

One Square Mile Assignment; Understanding Location Photography.

Location photography is where you chose to do a photography project or shot on a location instead of choosing to use a studio where it's more easily controlled. Going out on location means that your going to the subject rather than the subject going to you, it means the location it's self can be used as the subject and a lot more exciting things can be achieved through choosing to do location photography,  the only downside is theres so many ways location photography can go wrong and be unsuccessful since weather, condition of the area, people and lighting are uncontrollable at the best of times but these things being uncontrollable may be just what makes the pictures good.

To be able to do location photography successfully and to the best possible standard:

1) Choose a location: 
Choose a location that's relevant to the shoot, use more than one location to have more choice, variety and effect/feel. Visit the location/s at different times in the time to see which times enhance the location the most or to fit best with the project. Plan and find new locations and sights in advanced for projects.
2) Position: 
The location is not the only important factor when doing location photography, finding and standing in a position which gets the best photograph is also a key factor; the position the picture is taken from can dramatically effect the image and what it's saying. After finding the best place and position, compose the rest of the shot : the leading lines, lighting, shapes so that everything about the image is leading the viewer into the subject matter. Experiment and taking time when finding the perfect position helps.
3) Available lighting: 
if using natural light the time of day is really important when doing location photography, depending on what lighting is wanted/ what feel and atmosphere that is needed choosing a certain time of day over another time of time of day will help; for example if a soft light is needed use dawn or dusk. If the lighting still isn't right, using reflectors, mirrors or flash can be used to help get the right lighting if needed.
4) Use equipment:
equipment is not always needed and location photography can be done with out it but sometimes having that extra equipment helps- for example, if doing long exposures you need a tripod to stop camera shake and keep the image straight. Adding different filters can adjust lighting, create a softer feel the image, correct colour and loads more different effects that you wouldn't have being able to create without the use of equipment.

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